Board of Directors
We, the members of The Arizona Imperial Court, Incorporated, join together, knowing there exists in our realm a true need for serendipitous acts of goodness, kindness, love and charity. It is to these purposes that we shall gather our collective resources. It is to these purposes that we shall dedicate those resources, which will enable us to act as a focal point for channeling needed monies to worthy organizations.
President - Eric Buckmaster (Lady Christian) - president@imperialcourtaz.org
Vice President - Michael Gaffney - vicepresident@imperialcourtaz.or
Secretary - David Buttiker - secretary@imperialcourtaz.org
Treasurer - Ricky Sedillo - treasurer@imperialcourtaz.org
Dean of the College of Monarchs- Tommie Tiboni (Anita Togoboxx) anita.togoboxx@imperialcourtaz.org
Member at Large Social Media - Landen Smith (Kristofer Inez Onyx) - socialmedia@imperialcourtaz.org
Member at Large Vice Treasurer - Kevin Smith (Carlton Stephens)
Emperor 18- Christina Lancaster (Justin Deeper-Love) ex-officio
Empress 18- Nick Johnson (Phoebe Phobia) ex-officio
Board Meetings
The Board of the Imperial Court of Arizona meets monthly on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 1:30pm. Please Attend and find out more about one of the most exciting charitable organizations in Arizona.